Here’s a sentence I never thought I’d be writing: Tell the Wolves I’m Home is a New York Times bestseller! I just had word from my lovely editor that it has made the trade paperback bestsellers list at #18. Making the list is the longest of longshot things for any book, but for a little geeky character-driven debut novel it is an absolute miracle. I want to say that it’s a dream come true, but, really, it’s so far from my wildest expectations, so not the kind of thing that happens for books like Tell the Wolves, that the possibility never even entered the realm of my writerly fantasies.
If I knew the secret to finding your way onto the list, I would happily share with you all. To me, why one book gets there and another amazing book doesn’t, seems mostly mysterious. Even more mysterious than you might think because of the NYT’s secretive calculation methods. One thing I do know is that without the massive support and enthusiasm of everyone at Random House—editorial, art, sales, marketing, publicity— without my terrific agent Mollie Glick and without amazing readers who have spread the word about this book right from the start, there’s no way it would have happened. So, here’s to everyone! A huge round of thank yous!!