News & Ramblings

At long last, news of book two!

I never thought it would take ten years to get to this place, but because of all kinds of real life mayhem and also because I found it nearly impossible to find a new project I could truly fall in love with (not for lack of trying), it has taken this long to finally be able to announce that a … Read More

This is the Quiet Part

It has been a long–and I mean very long–time since I’ve popped in here to update this place. It’s a lot of fun to post updates when a book is freshly on the shelves–there’s news to link to, stuff is happening–but once all that is over, things quiet down and life goes back to normal. For me, that means a … Read More


Here’s a sentence I never thought I’d be writing: Tell the Wolves I’m Home is a New York Times bestseller! I just had word from my lovely editor that it has made the trade paperback bestsellers list at #18. Making the list is the longest of longshot things for any book, but for a little geeky character-driven debut novel it … Read More

Alex Award

I am so thrilled to hear that Tell the Wolves I’m Home has been honoured with an American Library Association Alex Award. This is one of my absolute favourite awards. It focuses on adult books with special appeal to teens. I love the broadness of scope of the award. It includes novels, short story collections, non-fiction, graphic novels, memoir and … Read More